Michael J. Murphy Music Scholarship Fund Application Information and Guidelines

The deadline for submission was April 30, 2024

The purpose of the Michael J. Murphy Scholarship Fund is to provide private instruction in music and music-related activities (including but not limited to instrumental, vocal, dance, and song-writing) for a period of one school year. The Fund will also provide the equipment and/or materials necessary to carry out the above activities. Students eligible for the award must be between 9-18 years old and currently enrolled in school. No student affiliated with any board member or employee of the foundation will be eligible for an award. Students who have been previously awarded a scholarship will be eligible to re-apply.

Applications will be screened and scholarships awarded based on the following:

  • Financial need will be considered first, and those families whose combined income is less than $50,000 will be given top priority. Families with extenuating circumstances that have financial difficulties but do not meet other criteria may also be considered. Provision of financial information is mandatory and will be kept strictly confidential. Social security numbers should be blocked out.
  • A one-page essay from the student describing in his/her own words, what type of lessons they would like to take (the type of instrument, dance, or other), and why they have chosen to play an instrument or take up other music-related activities.
  • Applicants should provide a short letter of recommendation from a teacher or principal verifying student performance, (no failing grades) and the likelihood of success in their music lessons.
  • Agreement from the parent(s) or guardians to cooperate towards the goal of furthering the student’s music education by ensuring student attendance at lessons.


The scholarships will be awarded to students and families by a majority vote of Board members. Awards will be based on family financial need, student enthusiasm and motivation, and parent commitment. The number and amount of awards will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors. While our wish is to be able to provide awards to all of our eligible recipients, there will be a limit to the number of awards granted based on the available budget.

A member or members of the Board will meet individually with each prospective student and their parents/guardians. The student and parent/guardians will be asked to sign a statement of commitment, assuring the committee of their willingness to follow the requirements of the scholarship. The scholarship will be effective for one entire school year. These dates will be determined by the committee in consultation with the student and their family once the award has been announced.

Regular attendance at scheduled lessons is very important and is required. It is a reflection of your commitment. Missed lessons must be rescheduled. Recurring missed lessons and/or no shows may result in termination of the award and the return of the instrument, at the discretion of the Board.

The Michael J. Murphy Music Scholarship Fund is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in administration of its scholarship awards.

The annual application process begins February 1 and closes April 30.